
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweethearts Angel..All You Need Is Love..

With the big Valentine's Day coming up this is a reminder to everyone to celebrate love..not just on one day but each day. It is there to reflect upon the love you have in your life and to cherish those who love you too. This is the perfect day for gratitude in action. Do whatever you can no matter how little show affection and love for those who love you. It isn't just about romantic love. You can be a sweetheart whatever day you like but use the magic of this day with all the love in the air to really make things turn around. You can even devote each day to love but there is something wonderful about embracing, recognizing and accepting all of love's possibilities we have in our lives.

A great quote by Helen Keller is, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or heard but felt with the heart."

Another one I love is by Mother Teresa who said, "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." It is true we can make all the difference with love. 

Some ideas include buying a gift card for someone, putting some cash in a pretty envelope and card, buying someone their favorite drink like hot chocolate or a coffee beverage, buying a book on the topic of love fiction or non-fiction.

I would also suggest wearing pink, or red and even anything with hearts like a necklace..wear red or pink lipstick..for the fellas how about a pink shirt, pink tie...heart get the picture.

Say a compliment wrapped in a bow of love even thank you for loving me or I really love that outfit, your hair, how you make me laugh,etc. You can write this down inside a card you make or even one you buy.

Start a love box or journal. Write on hearts what you hope for, what love means to you, quotes on love.

You can also check out my articles here on making a love altar and cloaking your heart with angels:

Happy Love Day!