
Monday, May 24, 2010

Queen of Angels: Mother Mary Links

Madonna and Child

"Hail Mary, Full of Grace the Lord is with thee..." excerpted from the Haily Mary Catholic Prayer

You can't mention angels without thinking about the Queen of the Angels.
I love anything Mother Mary and this is a small dedication to her.
You will find links to articles about Mother Mary, prayer petition sites to write into that are dedicated to her, recommended books and movies, a video to her under the name of Our Lady of Kibeho.
Each link clicked on you will enter a new page that is not connected to my blog.

Placing your Petitions at the Grotto of France: Our Lady of Lourdes

Here you will find an easy form to write in your email address and send your prayers that will be placed at the Grotto in Lourdes, France where St. Bernadette was visited by the Blessed Mother and told her exactly where to dig so healing waters would flow.

Mother Mary's Prayer Garden from Radiant Self

This is a collection of traditional, non-traditional, and newer versions of prayers to Mary with full color pictures for each one. Great for meditation or for healing in general. Beautiful!

Radiant Self's Main Homepage

Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

You write your requests with the form provided and they are placed at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This basilica was built for Our Lady of Guadalupe in her honor as she requested and millions visit here for spiritual pilgrimages especially on her feast day of December 12th.
It is located Mexico close-by the hill of Tepeyac where she appeared to St. Juan Diego.
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe also holds the authentic tilma of the image that she gave to St. Juan Diego to prove that he had talked to her and she had visited him for the local Spanish bishop by the name Fray Juan de Zumárraga who asked that she provide him a miracle if what he was saying was real.
Our Lady of Guadalupe told him Juan to pick flowers at Tepeyac Hill and there should have been none there since it was winter, but he found Castilian roses there which were significant for the bishop since they were of his homeland, but shouldn't have been growing where Juan found them.
Our Lady rearranged the roses on Juan's apron or tilma and when he showed up at Fray Juan de Zumárraga. When he gave him the roses out of his tilma there the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe mysteriously appeared and he remained ever since. By all scientific standards it mystifying to this to day.

With thanks to Wikipedia for the above facts via:
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Mary Cards by Kathleen Mintz and Timothy Flatt

This STUNNING deck of cards is made up entirely of Mother Mary with 54 in all.
Each one has a written inspiration on it to help you connect to your inner awareness and for reflecting upon.
The written part is created by Kathleen Mintz and the art collages of Mary are by Timothy Flatt.

Timothy Flatt Studio's Main Homepage

Send a Petition to Medjugorje

For over 20 years now the Blessed Virgin has been appearing in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina to six visionaries that were small children at the time and two are still receiving them to this day that include Vicka and Ivan.
You simply email your prayers to the email address they provide you with and during an apparition they are giving to either one of them that is there and made sure Our Lady gets them.
No one reads the emails they get and it's completely private.
Once the visitation from Our Lady is over and they are presented to her all the petitions are burned.

Our Lady of Kibeho Youtube Tribute by Kathy Lamas posted by angelle1313

This is from Immaculee Illibagiza's official Facebook Page with pictures from her pilgrimage to Kibeho, Africa with an absolutely beautiful song throughout.

Immaculee Illibagiza's Official Main Homepage

'Gifts of Grace: A Gathering of Personal Encounters with the Virgin Mary' by Lone Jensen Google Book Search

Here on google book search you will find excerpts from Lone Jensen's book.
I came across this book at my local library and fell in love with all of the personal stories that so many of different backgrounds and faiths had with her from healings, to visitations,etc.

Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul by Arielle Ford from Google Book Search

My mother originally bought this book and I stumbled upon it years later. I have read it now oh probably over fifteen times. It has true stories of people dealing with angel interventions, past lives, soulmates,etc.
My favorite story out of the entire book is called: "A Window Washer, A Woman with A Baby, and A Gift" by Bruce Stephen Holms.
It is such an incredibly touching story about a window washer who encounters the Blessed Virgin Mary. From this story you cannot help but feel the love she has for everyone on earth and what she says to him.

Monastery Icons Free E-Cards

Here at Monastery Icons you can send free-cards to whoever you like with plenty of images of Mother Mary to choose from including Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of the Light, varying saints, and Jesus.
Make sure to also browse around for all of the lovely religious gifts they have too!
You may also request a free catalog of theirs at the very top of the page where it says Catalog Request and subscribe to their newsletter on the left hand side at the very bottom.

Monastery Icons Main Homepage

Guided Meditation CD with Adele Linsalata Walking with the Blessed Mother

Adele Linsalata of her website Angelic Wise Ones created a CD for helping you to connect with the Blessed Mother and the angels with two meditations.
You can either buy the cd or MP3 of it.

Adele Linsalata's Angelic Wise Ones Mainpage Site

Prayer to Mother of Perpetual Help For Financial Aid

A Novena prayer which is said for 9 days or every hour for nine hours to the Mother of Perpetual Help to help with money issues. There is a picture of her Our Lady Of Perpetual Help up on the blog and the prayer right underneath it.
You can say this prayer whenever you like or every day.
Traditionally it's used as a Novena.

Mary-A Flesh and Blood Biography of the Virgin Mother by Lesley Hazleton

This book takes a very different look on the historical Mary and her as a living, human person that you haven't seen before.

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