
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dear God and the Angels

Dear God and the Angels,

This is a letter from my heart.
Please help me to have a hopeful start.
I know that I'm not the most talented or great looking,
But help me to clearly see the abilities I'm booking.
On some days I wish I could be an angel too,
Fly real high where love covers everything like dew.
I wouldn't have to cry or go through pain,
Everything around me would be peaceful and sane.
I question the pain I've filmed with my mind,
There are moments I wish I could erase others to stop, do over and rewind.
I know that I'm not perfect although I struggle to be,
Show me how to accept myself so I can be free.
Looking back at the trials in my life,
I try to realize the gifts that have come out of strife.
Right now I can't recognize a single one,
Maybe it's because my depression likes to overrun.
If I could fix it all with some magic dust,
I would make the whole globe happy, that is a must!
Being an outsider in a world where you just want to fit in,
My heart is growing tired because I know I'll never win.
Although I care about my family and love them too,
It can feel debilitating when there's nothing you can do.
So God and the angels I often fail in my human soles,
I yell, cuss, get jealous, and let my ego score the leading roles.
All I can ask is that you show me the best ways to live,
I truly want to enjoy life and make sure to give.


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