
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily Guidance From Angels for the month of February

Let Ideas Come to You

The universal mind has infinite ideas that you can always tap in to. You receive them in response to a question that you've posed to the universe with a clear and quiet awareness. Today, ask Spirit about any topic that you need help or guidance with. You can think your question or voice it aloud.
Sometime today, sit quietly and notice the ideas that come to mind after each query. Al that you need to do to hear the answers is spend time listening in silence. These ideas are gifts to you from the universe. You're qualified and ready to act upon them, and all of creation fully supports your doing so.

Thought for Today

I open my mind to the answers that the universe shares with me, and I easily receive brilliant new ideas. I act upon them in partnership with Spirit.

excerpt from page 344 of Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance from Your Angels

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