
Friday, April 22, 2011

As An Angel Thinketh...Journalling the Soul Series

I'm staring a new journalling series. All you need is a blank journal and a pen. You can also do this on the computer in Microsoft Word and save your work.

First, there will be an inspirational quote followed by questions I have made up for you to take down and answer in your journal. There is no need to rush the questions as I will put a new one up every few weeks to give you time.

Here is the first one! The best way to have a pure mind like an angel is to express what you are really thinking without hiding it in shame. Remember that the sun helps to cast dark shadows which we all have. The Yin/Yang..Heavenly/Demon..Light Side/Dark Side. They are one.

"Leap and the net will appear." ~ A Western Proverb

1. Have you ever felt afraid to take a risk with one of your goals? If so, why?

2. What steps can you take to rebuild your faith in a supportive God and spiritual team?
You may want to recount times in which you were given help in a rough time or when a small blessing occurred like
winning on a scratch off or getting a gift in the mail.

3. Do you trust if you leap that a net would appear for you? If not, let God and your angels know it. Tell them how you felt left alone by them in the past.
But, then examine each incident closer and see what the higher truth is out of what happened. Let's say an article you sent in got turned could be it was not best to publish it for that particular magazine or not the ideal timing for you.
Perhaps there is something else it will be used for at a later date that you cannot fathom yet or it was to get you through the writing process to prepare you for submitting future articles so you know what to expect and how to do it. Now, there will be less of a fear factor.

4. Think of activists and leaders of our time that demonstrated strong faith such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Mattie Stepanek. What can you take from them to light the torch of belief in your Self, a Higher Source, and dreams?

5. To end this exercise take down this quote and post it somewhere you can see it. Repeat it as a mantra throughout your day and night.
What does this quote bring forward in your heart personally?

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