
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Join the Angel Movement

I wanted to demonstrate just how each one of us can be inspired by angels and that we can apply ourselves to behave more like them.

Has there ever been a moment where you felt you had to send a friend a card just to let them know you were thinking of her and find out they were going through a tough space when they received your card(at the perfect time).
Maybe you had a strong calling to donate or buy groceries for a local food pantry or give to a charity.

You may not always know why you do certain things but we each have an angel within that wants to come out and spread goodness.

There are angels right here both of the heavenly and earthly status.

A great book to find plenty of ideas to climb the angel staircase is Instant Karma by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Be a part of the Angel Movement and do something kind today!

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