
Monday, May 9, 2011

Book Review of Messages from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue

Messages from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue(hardcover)
Publisher: Hay House
Price: $13.95
231 pages
ISBN: 1-4019-0049-6

Messages from Your Angels by bestselling angel author Doreen Virtue is a magnificent book on the angelic realm.

The book has five different parts it's separated into.

In Part 1 Doreen focuses on 33 angelically channeled messages including such topics as Lightwork, Prayer, Life Path, Psychic Abilities, Suffering, Healing the Body, Manfestation, Sleep, Gratitude and she explains how she went about being a conduit for these words to carry through her from angels which is fascinating to read.

The second Part of this book are inspired messages directly from the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel.
I found it amazing how anytime I read particular words my feelings shifted and I was able to sense the different energetic tone from the angels, then Archangel Michael and so forth.

Part 3 is wisdom from the angels known as Nature Angels.

Part 4 Doreen answers 19 questions she most commonly gets from her audience and lectures like predestiny vs. free will, angels thoughts on homosexuality, how one can be happy, and do prayers go unanswered.
I was completely gripped by truth in the way she replies back to each inquiry.

Excerpt from Page 95:
"All prayers are heard, meaning that God and the Heavenly creation receives all cries for help and all questions needing answers. And these prayers are answered, in the that they all receive instantaneous replies. The replies may come as comfort or guidance, instructions or information, or what you would term a miraculous "Divine intervention." Answered prayer does not always mean that your "wishes" come true, but it does mean that attention is given to you and the situation without delay." Copyright 2002 © by Doreen Virtue

And finally in Part 5 Doreen breaks it down in how to commune with your angels. She gives a bio on who angels are, info on our loved ones who have passed on and spirit guides, feeling with your angels, realizing when thoughts or ideas that come to you are definite angel language, hearing angels, seeing angels and most of all accepting these messages as true.

A divine tingling read for angel fans, learners and those on the angel quest!

I was not financially rewarded to provide this book review. All thoughts are mine own.

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