
Monday, October 24, 2011

World Prayer

"Beloved Angels, Archangels, and the Nine Angelic Choirs:
Hold our fragile earth in the embrace of God's ever powerful Love and Protection. Place the seed of hope back into our wounded hearts and spirits. Help to lift the despair that is felt so deeply among the world. Minister healing to those who are in darkness and let them be bathed in light. Send the many earth angels who work for God the qualities of faith, trust, strength, and perseverance despite the suffering they encounter. Bless those who have lost their homes, loved ones, jobs, freedoms, who are struggling to hold on..please send them assistance, and tools to heal their lives and rebuild them with the foundation of faith that all will flourish again in alignment with God's graces. Amen."

Copyright © Lisa Owens October 2011

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