
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Saving Grace Moments: Being Preserved by Angels

Have you ever thought to yourself..phew, that turned out better than it should have!
Perhaps just at the very stroke of midnight something happens to make a u-turn of hope back into your stride.
Maybe a person confides words of direction or you have an extra kind cashier befriend you at the supermarket checkout so it makes your shopping experience that much more positive and has a boosting angel reflection on your mood for the rest of the day.


We all have had Saving Grace Moments in our lives where angels prevented us from getting hurt, provided us concealed train tracks, cliffs, deep trenches, and untouched caves of learning, showed us how to be a more loving human, or awarded us with soul medals of the trade to pass onto another person who might be going through similar battles we once fought.

Lyrics by John Newton (1725-1807)

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Friday, April 22, 2011

As An Angel Thinketh...Journalling the Soul Series

I'm staring a new journalling series. All you need is a blank journal and a pen. You can also do this on the computer in Microsoft Word and save your work.

First, there will be an inspirational quote followed by questions I have made up for you to take down and answer in your journal. There is no need to rush the questions as I will put a new one up every few weeks to give you time.

Here is the first one! The best way to have a pure mind like an angel is to express what you are really thinking without hiding it in shame. Remember that the sun helps to cast dark shadows which we all have. The Yin/Yang..Heavenly/Demon..Light Side/Dark Side. They are one.

"Leap and the net will appear." ~ A Western Proverb

1. Have you ever felt afraid to take a risk with one of your goals? If so, why?

2. What steps can you take to rebuild your faith in a supportive God and spiritual team?
You may want to recount times in which you were given help in a rough time or when a small blessing occurred like
winning on a scratch off or getting a gift in the mail.

3. Do you trust if you leap that a net would appear for you? If not, let God and your angels know it. Tell them how you felt left alone by them in the past.
But, then examine each incident closer and see what the higher truth is out of what happened. Let's say an article you sent in got turned could be it was not best to publish it for that particular magazine or not the ideal timing for you.
Perhaps there is something else it will be used for at a later date that you cannot fathom yet or it was to get you through the writing process to prepare you for submitting future articles so you know what to expect and how to do it. Now, there will be less of a fear factor.

4. Think of activists and leaders of our time that demonstrated strong faith such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Mattie Stepanek. What can you take from them to light the torch of belief in your Self, a Higher Source, and dreams?

5. To end this exercise take down this quote and post it somewhere you can see it. Repeat it as a mantra throughout your day and night.
What does this quote bring forward in your heart personally?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

99 Angel Wing Sets on the Wall...

photo courtesy of clarita

99 angel wing sets on the wall 99 angel wing sets take one down pass it around 98 angel wing sets on the wall.
Yes, the angels do participate in games and one of them they like is The Price is Joy by handing down wings if you would.

Be like a sleuth who is taking inventory anytime a blessing comes to you from Universal Spirit, God, angels, saints, archangels, and benevolent forces. Record it down. Let this be evidence for you that yea, they've got your back and love you.

Like today, I found a shiny large quarter while I was sweeping tucked away behind a plant.

Then while finishing up dinner money has been a concern for me a reflection of a rainbow came onto the wall and I looked down and there was a single shiny dime right there at my feet.

I also glanced at the coffee pot to take out the plug and guess what number was there..4:44...nice of the angels to stop by for some java and say Ey there!

Here's how you can make this fun. You can either buy an angel themed journal to record them in, or make an angel notebook yourself by printing out an image you like pasting it to a plain journal front, and decking it out with craft decals.

Write at the top *~My Angel Wing Blessings~*
Then you can draw a set of angel wings and inside write what happened to you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Boogie with Angels...

What is an essential recipe to make angels work for you..more outlets to contribute passionate creativity!
YES, angels want everyone to party more and have a good time with them.
As they would say, "Let's Boogie!"
Get the visual of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever only angels decked out in white suits on the disco floor doing some great moves..instead of do the the halo.
There are plenty of ways to make jovial chaos and here's just what you can do:

1. Make quirky pancake shapes and add in cut up strawberries, chocolate chips, bananas, blueberries, and other fun ingredients. Brew up some yummy syrup with OJ, cinnamon, vanilla or raspberry extract. Indulge in a treat.

2. Get that play-dough out or make edible play-dough. Mold imperfect(which are perfect)sculptures and have fun.

3. Shake your groove, dance, dance. Take some dance classes or rent a DVD from the library or just dance to tunes that you adore in your house. Whatever works for your signature self.

4. Bake recipes that remind you of childhood or a fond family memory. Try out new recipes too.

5. Go to your local craft store and pick up kits they may have such as paint by numbers or do some neat ones from Crafty Chica or Woman's Day.
There are also plenty of books on the topic you can choose to buy from your favorite local book retailer or check out at your library.
If you really want to go on an adventure sign up for a pottery, painting, or scrap booking course that most craft stores sponsor, community colleges, and libraries!

6. Enter giveaways and contests!

7. Design an angel map an idea from Award Winning Author Catherine Wishart that really gets your visual creativity in flow.

Resources you may want to visit:

For additional food recipes

Eating..the Angel Way Angel Recipes

All You Magazine

Woman's Day

Food Network

Parade Magazine

Hungry Girl

Cooking Channel



AC Moore Book List


Online Sweepstakes

Woman's World Magazine

Contest Queen

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Join the Angel Movement

I wanted to demonstrate just how each one of us can be inspired by angels and that we can apply ourselves to behave more like them.

Has there ever been a moment where you felt you had to send a friend a card just to let them know you were thinking of her and find out they were going through a tough space when they received your card(at the perfect time).
Maybe you had a strong calling to donate or buy groceries for a local food pantry or give to a charity.

You may not always know why you do certain things but we each have an angel within that wants to come out and spread goodness.

There are angels right here both of the heavenly and earthly status.

A great book to find plenty of ideas to climb the angel staircase is Instant Karma by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Be a part of the Angel Movement and do something kind today!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Art of Intuition by Sophy Burnham Book Review

The Art of Intuition: Cultivating Your Inner Wisdom by Sophy Burnham (hardcover)
Publisher: Tarcher Books February 3, 2011
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9781585428496
288 pages

The Art of Intuition: Cultivating Your Inner Wisdom by New York Times Best Selling author Sophy Burnham is truly one of a kind.

Not only does she give scientific data and tests that have been run to measure ESP and psychic abilities, but there are simple experiments one can do to enhance their own intuition from how to do automatic writing, cleaning an aura, using a pendulum, giving an ethic reading, and playing with energy balls.

She gives us a huge slice into the intuitive, psychic,and paranormal fields topped with practicality.

One of the most powerful statements I have ever read on the topic of intuition is found on page 232 of this book:

The Gift of Mistakes

In your early days of listening for the whispers, you may mistrust the messages, or else you let reason override a warning that's as weak as the shimmering of a leaf. Perhaps your intuition makes no sense. You bull past it, ignoring the signals, inattentive to such psychic signs , and thus by your mistakes you learn the signals, and that's another gift right there.
Some people beat themselves up for making a mistake, but I say no, give thanks for them. By your mistakes, you learn in what form your intuition comes to you.

Copyright © 2011 by Sophy Burnham

With covering topics of animal communication, telepathy, angels, creative inspiration, spirits, and those who have passed it's book you won't be able to put down just by this intriguing material.

She includes plenty of stories from her own intuition files, regular people, mystics, mediums, and psychics.

One in particular that got me was when she blurted out at a party that the guy was getting married. Sophy had no clue why she said only later to reveal he had gotten engaged and had yet to announce it.

There are a wide display of tips that can help one's intuitive senses like how classical music effects the brain waves vs what rock music does.

A wonderful read you'll seek again and again!

I was not paid to give this review. All thoughts expressed are my own.

All Angel Gifts Hope Simplicity Angel Review & Giveaway!(NOW CLOSED)

UPDATE: Using it picked Lucky # 13 which was Emmy Coffee's comment.I have emailed her to let her know. I want to sincerely thank all of you for participating in this giveaway! CONGRATS Emmy on winning your Hope Simplicity Angel!

All Angel Gifts is a wonderful company that offers lovely products that are angel themed from worry stones to angel statue figurines.

They have generously sent me HOPE from their Simplicity Angel Figurine Line manufactured by AngelStar to review and giveaway to 1 winner that retails for $25.95.

Click on the image below to see what she looks like!

"Simplicity is a state of mind where we allow ourselves to see to the heart of the matter."
from the back of the box

Each Simplicity Angel is handcrafted, made from Resin Polystone - Antique Lace Finish and approximately 7 1/4 inches high.

I was very impressed with how this particular angel statue was made and the weight of it not being flimsy. It arrives to you in a sturdy packaged box and you can see that it's high quality.
The intricate visual design from her wings, to the ruffles in her dress and style of her hair makes this HOPE Simplicity Angel a beautiful presence sure to get noticed on one's mantle, bookshelf, or altar space beaming hope to all those that pass by. They will be enchanted by her.
I can't think of a better gift to give a friend, for a birthday or for Mother's Day.
I absolutely love her and she is one beauty of an angel!

Now onto the giveaway to win one of your own.


This contest is open to both the US and Canada. It will end on April 28, 2011 12 PM eastern time. I will be using to pick the winner. He or she has 24 hours to email me their address after I have contacted them to give to All Angel Gifts. If not another winner will be chosen.

Mandatory Entry:
This entry must be completed before you submit additional entries for this contest.

- Go to Facebook page and *like* them. Leave a comment that The Angel Directory sent you and a comment with your email address under the Giveaway Post on The Angel Directory that you've done the above.

3 Additional entries: (make sure to leave a separate comment for each one you complete.)

- Browse All Angel Gifts selection of products. Provide the name of the item you would want to receive or give to an earth angel in your life.

- Check out All Angel Gifts Top 10 Gifts for Angel Collectors. Name one of them and provide its link.

- Tweet about this giveaway and show that you did on this comment post.
Here is an example: #Win A Hope Simplicity Angel from All Angel Gifts US & CAN, ends April 28th #angel giveaway #contest


Special Angel Thanks to Online Sweepstakes for posting this contest!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Winging It Academy: Lesson for this Semester

It's time for another class lesson from Winging It Academy.
This answer is thanks again to our angel instructor, Corr White, ATP®, about the difficult times we go through here in the School of Living.

Let's get real, it's no lie ... Life can become challenging at times and the struggles are more than a testing of faith .. These times help shape us, and gives us the ability to stand back and look at what is working in our lives and what isn't?
We may not always be able to change what's going on around us as much as we'd wish we could? But these experiences doesn't mean positive manifestations won't occur through our difficulties ... The law of the universe won't allow a negative without always providing us with something wonderful to balance our karmic flow. Whenever there's so much negativity happening in my life, I simply remember myself of this truth and the loyalty of the universe, heaven and the angels never forgets to give me a positive blessing. This cosmic truth is granted to all of us.

With love,
Corr White

Copyright © Corr White, ATP® April 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Angel Affirmation Power

Archangel Phuel
Angel of Hope

photo courtesy of: Mary R. Vogt of morgueFile

Hope is alive in my present life circumstances. My concerns are also God's and God intervenes to assist me now.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Angelic Mind..A Heavenly Thought

"When humans face testings and tragedy, they should remember the angels who are always standing ready to lend their celestial assistance, comfort and council."

~Flower A. Newhouse 1909-1994 from Spiritual Quotes to Live By

Friday, April 1, 2011

Angel for April

Angel of Laughter

This angel's message: "A dose of laughter will sculpt your soul's abs right into shape. So much of life can revolve around serious matters, but you also need vitamins of laughter to keep your vibration energized at it's fullest and grounded in such a dense plane that at times can make it seem you are walking through quicksand.
Laugh through your belly and it will ease that whining beast known as Ego who is not your Amigo.
How about a nice old whoopie cushion? At times you won't even need it because well, comedy strikes even in the most darkest of sceneries to make the mood smell light.
Play practical jokes, watch hilarious media, and put on a huge that Joker would be envious of!"