
Monday, December 31, 2012

5, 4, 3, 2, 1..The Angelic Party Has Begun..2013 New Year's Bulletin

Just ring your bell,
Things will go well
It is your year to shine,
Some lessons are difficult
but tally down the tokens you got from each gold mine.
Let yourself not be blind,
Don't forget to be kind.
Ask for aid,
God will send in the angelic force brigade.
Keep up the good work you've done,
Add to it little by little and you'll start
to believe it will fully grow like a flower whom
starts out as a seed and is
nourished each passing  moment by the sun.
If something doesn't work out don't lose
your way,
There may be something better in store
or more valuable for you to gain that will
in the end pay.
Appreciate all gifts great and small,
Everyone has blessings that can help
when life might seem to stall the magic
is to recall this will break down sadness
knowing more awaits for your call.
Aim for the best,
Don't forget to rest..
Both your body and mind,
Allow yourself time to unwind..
Be an angel buddy to your
loved ones and friends,
Your actions of favor
makes the amends.
Remember to have a bit
of fun,
This will restore your spirits
from a pity party re-run.
Gather together for peace,
Commit to giving back
and having faith in what can
shift for the better everything else
to release.
For every tear, pain, or not getting
what you thought,
Go back inside your heart for things
are not often what you first sought.
You are a beauty, you are a light,
Accept this as reality and be real
bright share in delight!

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