
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Godsend Project: Be Touched by An Angel

There is an angel named the Goodwill Angel that basically helps to push (in a gentle way of course..other times a stronger push if necessary) to answer the prayers and deliver blessings every day in any way possible. It’s the perfect time to think of yourself as a Goodwill Angel and to be a godsend so that every person can feel touched by an angel. It’s important to practice these principles of noticing where the angels may be calling you to participate in. Pay it forward and do kind things for others..not forcing yourself or to seek to gain something, or attention..just to do so. 

1)      Believe in the power of your inner shining star..the light. No matter how dark something is there is always room for light..the hope of a new dawn. It will come! Be an example.
2)      Herald the a messenger of good news and joyous basically when someone is down or is giving up on something cancel out their negative statement or beliefs with one that is empowering and inspiring. Give them advice. Be their consoler.
3)      Write or call into Delilah’s of 95.5 to share your love story of friendship, family, or faith and also pick up her book and gift to another about the importance of love and being grateful. Another great option is an angel journal such as the one distributed/put out by Guideposts of their Angels on Earth Daily Planner a book such as Small Miracles of Love and Friendship or Jacky Newcomb's books such as An Angel Saved My Life.
4)      Have an angel gift swap meetup. This is where you can exchange angel gifts handmade, desserts, pray together, and do angel crafts or share your stories of heavenly intervention.
5)      Make or buy an inspirational angel card. You can find great ones here from and Doreen Virtue. Include inside an angel coupon or prayer gift like from St. Patrick's Cathedral Gift Shop of their friendship card or guardian angel card. Each is laminated with a prayer on the back and a token. You can also put cash in an envelope that reads, “Some Angel Blessings For You Wishing You Prosperity, Love, and Success for the New Year and All the Way Through. Make sure to Pay It Forward Too!”

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