The following is an exerpt from pages 66 and 65 of the Award Winning Book Teen Goddess: How to Look, Love & Live Like a Goddess by Catherine Wishart published by Llwellyn.
This was about some of the helpers you can turn to and one of them was angels with an exercise at the end. The book is very resourceful in how to deal with many things like using affirmations and other necessary resources for being here on earth.
Angels are mentioned in nearly every religion. Everyone has at least one guardian angel. There are many different kinds of angels: archangels, cherubs, tiny sprite like angels, large luminous ones. There are angels who specialize in different areas-writing angels, running angels, beauty angels, homework angels, romance angels-you name it. There are angels for every single thing!
I love working with angels and I call on them daily for for help. You can call on angels by simply saying, "Angels, help!" The angels love to help humans-it gives them great joy and delight to do so. They wish we would call on them more often! You can call on them for help with absolutely anything, from big things to tiny things. If you cut your leg while shaving or if you are looking for a parking space or if you have a major crisis in your life, just call out to the angels.
Call on specific angels for specific needs. If you are going swimming, call on the swimming angels to come, too. If you are troubled by your looks, call on the beauty angels to help you; if you have a first date with someone, call on the romance angels. If you are in a dangerous situation or at home by yourself and feel afraid, call on bodyguard angels. The angels come the instant you call.
Your guardian angel is always with you and you can develop a close relationship with her (or him!) by talking to her every day. I use writing as a way to talk my angels. I ask them a question, then write down the answer. I talk to my angels throughout the day in my mind, too, just having mental conversations with them. I do this with the Goddess as well. Sometimes I even talk aloud to her. Knowing you are surrounded by angels is such a comforting feeling-you never feel lonely or unloved. They are so helpful, giving assistance to every area of your life.
February Guardian Angel by Jennifer Galasso
I hope you contact your angels every single day. The magic, healing, and love they have poured into my life is amazing, and I know they want to do the same for you, too. All you need to do is ask them.
Close your eyes and ask your guardian angel to appear to you. Sometimes you may sense her presence rather than see her. Have a mental conversation with her about whatever is going on in your life.
Teen Goddess: How to Look, Love & Live Like a Goddess Copyright © 2003 by Catherine Wishart.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Angels are the Name of the Game...
angel miracles,
angel signs,
Catherine Wishart,
contacting angels,
contacting guardian angels,
guardian angel,
romance angels,
runbodyguard angels,
Teen Goddess
Monday, December 12, 2011
Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day...Why She Counts.
"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear any sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything." ~ Words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to St. Juan Diego
If you don't know the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe than read it here.
We often forget about Our Lady of Guadalupe but I think it's important to pay honor to her in some form since today December 12th is her Feast Day.
She is yet another incarnation of the Divine Female Aspect of God as all religions have. Some days you might identify more strongly to one or two like Our Lady of Lourdes and Kwan Yin and other days to another like Lakshmi. It depends upon who speaks to you the most at that given time for what you need more of in yourself or your life. There is also a patron Mother Figure you have just like a patron saint or guardian that you will always feel forever connected to as they are. It is the one that you always turn back to or seem to have a unchanging bond with as well as similar character.
Our Lady of Guadalupe not only represents the purest form of love, but also fertility, crushing injustice, and creative abundance. If you are struggling with having a child then call to her. If you need more creative ways to earn money with your art projects then she is there for this purpose. Perhaps you want more love for yourself, to fall in love, or have a great romance with..petition her. If a legal or financial mess has you anxious than ask for her to come in and help.
Her colors are that of the rich earth. She is draped in green showing the prosperous amount of love she holds for the entire Earth just like the grass is a soft place to rest upon so is she. The sun behind her shows that all life grows from God and that you too are illumined with that ability to mold and bring to the living that which starts out as a seedling and than can becomes rich plants, trees, and flowers. Lastly her dress adorned in a deepish gold with reddish tints and black sash showing she is pregnant with child and is about the warmth of life and understanding that the wealth is really found in the simple virtues of family, faith, generosity and of course love.
The small angel at the very bottom of her feet with horns represents that no matter what burdensome issue happens it will go beneath you and you will rise above it. It will not defeat you or squash your character and what you have to fulfill.
With all of these beautiful colors it reminds you of a palette of paint and how doing an art form embodies the same qualities that are shown through her image.
You can decorate an altar as I did with the colors of red and green with roses, poinsettias, red and green peppermint candies in a dish, little cookies or sweets, Mexican Hot Chocolate as offerings, a rosary, money, and saying a prayer while leaving a candle on for her in white, green, red, or pink(I use battery operated ones). Make sure to put her image in the center.
You can say a prayer such as this one below I created blow. There are also more prayers to look through here you may find better suited from Beliefnet.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
You are a Mother of Every Person,
A loving anchor in this time of darkness.
You spoke to St. Juan Diego a simple man
the truth that we are not to be disturbed
by any event or person because you are there.
Please help us remember to cherish each
person in our lives who walks in generous
And to protect the innocent lives that
are personally affected by crime and poverty.
Give them back their footing that they will rise
up against the obstacles they are facing and
make successful progress to improve their quality of
Watch over your beloved Mexico as
many have suffered losses that one
at times does not have the spirit or heart
to hold in one's conscious.
May they feel your comfort through their tears
and be given peace again along with the will to
alter their futures so that they are used as
instruments of lasting, positive change in their
community, government, and law.
Send aid to end the violence that goes on
not only in Mexico but our backyards.
Always show us how to live nobly and with
our hearts in the best places.
Let us remember that love has the opportunity
to grow and strengthen each day it just depends
upon if we decided to water it or let
it remain thirsty.
I ask for this special intention (state what you need)
and ask that you pour your graces upon it.
Remember her words and know that she does nurture us with her loving kindness.
This can start an entire new relationship that you will want to hone and utilize year round not only on her feast day but every day.
The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels: A Guide to 200 Celestial Beings to Help, Heal, and Assist You in Everyday Life by Susan Gregg
Teen Goddess: How to Look, Love & Live Like a Goddess by Catherine Wishart
Friday, December 9, 2011
To Sum It Up...Key Points from Angelic Studies.
Keep Your Heads in the's really not a bad thing.
Having hope for things and imaging with optimism is a great quality to preach and also practice. Angels are all about hope and it will help you to cope. Don't give in to thoughts of this will never end, it won't improve...hold onto that hope because there is always hope for what you are dealing with. The light will come through and the rainbows will appear eventually. It may take time or it may happen quicker but remember that no matter what happens in life hope remains there. Sometimes it is hidden but it always is revealed.
Bravery doesn't constitute that you'll be carefree...sometimes the opposite.
There are plenty of battles you would rather hide in a cave and wait til it passes you or finds you there before you ever think
about doing it yourself first. One can easily get scared or intimidated by a place that have yet to been or think that they aren't worth it.
That is where you'll have to face those fears which can seem real but actually are illusions after you get through them. Remember that you might
have fear that can't do something or aren't capable but this is Ego and has nothing to do with the real you can actually triumph over.
Crisis is a gift.
When you are in any type of misery you seek your faith and outlets of spiritual connection and reaching out to others or them reaching for you. Because at those moments that is what brings you back to unity. There are many things to consider as blessings even the not so pleasant moments because out of it you do get much more than what you think when you are in that particular space. You learn a lot about others, yourself, and you extend who you are as a person or what you ever thought you could do. You do become stronger because of it and that strength will carry your through in the future when other crises show up.
Angels do exist...
Angels are everywhere. They do come through you through friends, emails, letters, surprises, and overall positive events. Yes, they are a part of our lives even when it might seem they have left us out of their party. Angels absolutely love you..everything about you that knock yourself down for, or what you view as ugly. Angels don't want it to be a hassle to find them or accept them. Just be open-minded and have a little faith. They are consistently there for you.
Miracles do happen at the very last hour..or er minute.
Yes, so it looks like that drought you've been having through all the praying, action, forcing yourself is not causing any rain, but than you find that it happens after you think your request has not been heard or cared about down comes the rain...and not a drop of rain but an abundance of it. Sometimes it does seem that everything we do is not worth it or we want to give just that. Disconnect from the reigns of having to do anything else than what you've already done. Just surrender.
Image by Baba Studio "The Sun" from The Victorian Romantic Tarot
Friends are doubles or stand in's for angels
Yes, those friends, family members, kind strangers or those you meet are doppelgangers for angels..why? Because the angels sent them to you and also for them to practice using their angelic skills that may be in need of using. Love is everywhere and that is our natural state of bliss via the Divine. Many people walk with angels and they are always there for you when you need comfort in a more physical form.
Pray..then pray some more.
Yeah, pray is not overrated..actually it's more underrated. Prayer matters, it works, it counts. Pray today, tomorrow..forever. Ask away, express yourself, and be who you are. Have your own prayer style and use it whenever you need. Saying thanks counts too. Remember that life is like a fragile package and as the old saying goes on a wing and a prayer..and let's add then some.
Laughing is equivalent to angel dust.
Humor helps to dissipate the clouds of sadness or fear. It also makes you forget your troubles for that time being making your Ego's fear tactics be silent for awhile and you can gain much needed peace and honing on your intuition. Laugh away!
Get creative, baby!
Drenching yourself in the arts is the way to go because it's grand slam in the energy shift department. You can transmute negative events or how you are feeling with any type of creative endeavor like baking, cooking, singing, dancing to music, painting, sculpting, arts n crafts, decorating...even board games! Do what you can to put your focus elsewhere.
Never forget to love.
Love is one of the greatest experiences in life. The relationship you have Love with God or your Higher Connection, strangers, your family, and loved ones in your life is fulfilling and helps you remember why we are here. Exchanging love through an open doorway and one that isn't closed off has mighty power to do beautiful things. Let others love you and love others.
Having hope for things and imaging with optimism is a great quality to preach and also practice. Angels are all about hope and it will help you to cope. Don't give in to thoughts of this will never end, it won't improve...hold onto that hope because there is always hope for what you are dealing with. The light will come through and the rainbows will appear eventually. It may take time or it may happen quicker but remember that no matter what happens in life hope remains there. Sometimes it is hidden but it always is revealed.
Bravery doesn't constitute that you'll be carefree...sometimes the opposite.
There are plenty of battles you would rather hide in a cave and wait til it passes you or finds you there before you ever think
about doing it yourself first. One can easily get scared or intimidated by a place that have yet to been or think that they aren't worth it.
That is where you'll have to face those fears which can seem real but actually are illusions after you get through them. Remember that you might
have fear that can't do something or aren't capable but this is Ego and has nothing to do with the real you can actually triumph over.
Crisis is a gift.
When you are in any type of misery you seek your faith and outlets of spiritual connection and reaching out to others or them reaching for you. Because at those moments that is what brings you back to unity. There are many things to consider as blessings even the not so pleasant moments because out of it you do get much more than what you think when you are in that particular space. You learn a lot about others, yourself, and you extend who you are as a person or what you ever thought you could do. You do become stronger because of it and that strength will carry your through in the future when other crises show up.
Angels do exist...
Angels are everywhere. They do come through you through friends, emails, letters, surprises, and overall positive events. Yes, they are a part of our lives even when it might seem they have left us out of their party. Angels absolutely love you..everything about you that knock yourself down for, or what you view as ugly. Angels don't want it to be a hassle to find them or accept them. Just be open-minded and have a little faith. They are consistently there for you.
Miracles do happen at the very last hour..or er minute.
Yes, so it looks like that drought you've been having through all the praying, action, forcing yourself is not causing any rain, but than you find that it happens after you think your request has not been heard or cared about down comes the rain...and not a drop of rain but an abundance of it. Sometimes it does seem that everything we do is not worth it or we want to give just that. Disconnect from the reigns of having to do anything else than what you've already done. Just surrender.
Image by Baba Studio "The Sun" from The Victorian Romantic Tarot
Friends are doubles or stand in's for angels
Yes, those friends, family members, kind strangers or those you meet are doppelgangers for angels..why? Because the angels sent them to you and also for them to practice using their angelic skills that may be in need of using. Love is everywhere and that is our natural state of bliss via the Divine. Many people walk with angels and they are always there for you when you need comfort in a more physical form.
Pray..then pray some more.
Yeah, pray is not overrated..actually it's more underrated. Prayer matters, it works, it counts. Pray today, tomorrow..forever. Ask away, express yourself, and be who you are. Have your own prayer style and use it whenever you need. Saying thanks counts too. Remember that life is like a fragile package and as the old saying goes on a wing and a prayer..and let's add then some.
Laughing is equivalent to angel dust.
Humor helps to dissipate the clouds of sadness or fear. It also makes you forget your troubles for that time being making your Ego's fear tactics be silent for awhile and you can gain much needed peace and honing on your intuition. Laugh away!
Get creative, baby!
Drenching yourself in the arts is the way to go because it's grand slam in the energy shift department. You can transmute negative events or how you are feeling with any type of creative endeavor like baking, cooking, singing, dancing to music, painting, sculpting, arts n crafts, decorating...even board games! Do what you can to put your focus elsewhere.
Never forget to love.
Love is one of the greatest experiences in life. The relationship you have Love with God or your Higher Connection, strangers, your family, and loved ones in your life is fulfilling and helps you remember why we are here. Exchanging love through an open doorway and one that isn't closed off has mighty power to do beautiful things. Let others love you and love others.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Mama Donna's Spirit Shop Review & Giveaway
One of the best places for spiritual goodies on the web is Mama Donna's Spirit Shop. She is being very kind in giving one fortunate winner the chance to receive her Angel Pin and Mama Donna's Release Ritual Dissolving Paper. She also sent me them to review as well.
Mama Donna's Release Ritual Dissolving Paper
DESCRIPTION Magical paper that dissolves in water. Inscribe what you want to release
and then watch your troubles dissolve.
Very cathartic. 25 sheets 2.5" x 4.5".
MY TAKE The Directions are as follows: List all that you wish to release-bad habits, troubling emotions, negative thoughts-then immerse in water.
Dissolves faster in warm water, slower in cold.
One swish, and it is gone!
Okay this paper is so much fun to use and she's right..therapeutic! It's so cool to watch the paper disappear in water. The texture of the paper is that of actual paper so at first I thought this is supposed to dissolve in water? I used my handy pen, wrote what was bothering me and went through 5 sheets quick in warm water. What is so great about this is the convienence. I know they tell you to burn paper is a great way to release negativity but sometimes you can't or want another alternative. You can do this. Trust me you'll want to stock up on this paper. It works just as it says. I'll be sad when it runs out!
Angel Pin
DESCRIPTION For protection.
Wear your guardian angel.
MY REVIEW This guardian angel pin is so delicate and small so you can wear it without worrying about gaining to much attention or be able to pin it to your purse or elsewhere. A nice reminder of your guardian angel. Very sweet.
Mama Donna's Spirit Shop is currently running a December Special you can read about here. Head on over to get these now or enter below to win! Don't miss out.
Mama Donna's Release Ritual Dissolving Paper
DESCRIPTION Magical paper that dissolves in water. Inscribe what you want to release
and then watch your troubles dissolve.
Very cathartic. 25 sheets 2.5" x 4.5".
MY TAKE The Directions are as follows: List all that you wish to release-bad habits, troubling emotions, negative thoughts-then immerse in water.
Dissolves faster in warm water, slower in cold.
One swish, and it is gone!
Okay this paper is so much fun to use and she's right..therapeutic! It's so cool to watch the paper disappear in water. The texture of the paper is that of actual paper so at first I thought this is supposed to dissolve in water? I used my handy pen, wrote what was bothering me and went through 5 sheets quick in warm water. What is so great about this is the convienence. I know they tell you to burn paper is a great way to release negativity but sometimes you can't or want another alternative. You can do this. Trust me you'll want to stock up on this paper. It works just as it says. I'll be sad when it runs out!
Angel Pin
DESCRIPTION For protection.
Wear your guardian angel.
MY REVIEW This guardian angel pin is so delicate and small so you can wear it without worrying about gaining to much attention or be able to pin it to your purse or elsewhere. A nice reminder of your guardian angel. Very sweet.
Mama Donna's Spirit Shop is currently running a December Special you can read about here. Head on over to get these now or enter below to win! Don't miss out.
Blessings Are Not Always Seen
Blessings can come and you may not acknowledge they are such. Maybe you've been conditioned by reading material, books, or what others have been through and think, only that would qualify as a blessing...what happened to me was not. Oh, big deal I got a surprise gift card in the mail for a grocery store and I was low on groceries and didn't have a way of getting them.
At times you may not perceive at first glance that what comes to you is a blessing.
As humans on a material stage we often get lodged in what should be considered or what you want something to be.
It might not appear as much or what you really want but the angels make sure to keep you going on that Carriage of Life even if the roads get icy, a wheel breaks down, a horse goes missing, or a tree falls in the middle of the path. They will send "tiny" helpers. Maybe an inspiring approach of taking another path to go around the down tree or an encounter with a marvelous stranger to cheer you up.
Perhaps you've lost friends in your life and you get in a place of despair. They don't like me, I wasn't good enough, etc. Did you stop to think that maybe the reason they came into your life and you theirs, the purpose, the gift was given and it was divine timing that you not be in each others' midst anymore? It could be you really don't identify with their interests or it would be better that you not be involved with them for other reasons you won't ever see.
If a friend found an angel medal while walking when they were in a darkened state or someone else gets an angel present it may make you feel that if a kind person crosses your path with great conversation to distract you from being lonely or a good friend calls you that you haven't talked to in awhile to disrupt a gloomy day that it's not quote on quote a real blessing from the angels.
Well, guess is!
Angels are not one size fits all....exactly the opposite. Angels do not conform into a single shape. There is variety. In the end all the puzzle pieces fit together but they aren't identical.
The angels will cook up what works for you, what you are open to receiving, and will match what you truly need at that given moment.
Take for example you wanted to go out on a date with a person but it doesn't work out. Maybe this individual is not what they appear and would ultimately hurt you. The angels are looking out for your well-being. They later on would send a more suitable match into your life where things would run smoothly.
Believe in the magic of angels because they sparkle with a gentle light that is not always sensed by us when we are troubled or doubting. That's okay just try to keep an open heart when something positive shows up that might be an extra cushion to break your fall...or help when you do.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Artful Prayer For Friendship
This is a quick prayer that combines arts n crafts. These two energies together make for a very powerful kick on the prayer conveyer belt to give a boost with creativity and making this yourself filling it with your Spiritual DNA Code.
Here is what you will need for this recipe:
Two pebbles
Red/Blue thin marker
Pink Paint
Tacky Glue
Pink Glitter
Small piece of Rose Quartz
Pink heart confetti
Pink drawstring mini pouch or pink cloth
Here's what you'll do:
On two pebbles of the approximately the same size sketch out with a thin red or blue marker the outlining of an angel.
Then get your pink paint and brush in the color until it's full. Wait until it dries. Then using glue brush it on the angel wings and put on pink glitter. Shake of excess and wait for that to dry.
Next you are going to take heart confetti you can easily find at the craft store in pink(if you cannot find in that color get white, a clear one, or red) and fill up the mini draw string pouch that you can also get at craft supply stores with heart confetti.
Hold both of these pebbles in your one hand and imagine hundreds of pink hearts surrounding you and the pebbles. This is the divine love of God and the angels filling you and the pebbles with that energy of love.
Than, you want to keep that image and see those two pink angels on the stones rising up out from the pebbles as actual beings on your left and right side holding you and also joining you in your request.
Pray four times:
"Angels of Friendship,
Here's my plead,
Please fulfill this sincere need.
I would like for you to send,
A beautiful, new, loving friend.
May they have a heart of generous stature,
That they are filled with sweetness and joyful laughter.
Have them be a person who is truly kind with morals
and care,
That they be someone who is always fair.
I would like for them also to be open spiritually too,
That they believe in what angels and faith can do.
Help them to see the best in me,
Open up their eyes to recognize my true quality.
Let them be someone who is overflowing with love,
That their genuine nature is calm, peaceful, and like
that of the dove.
Bless our time together may it be positive and fun,
Let us enjoy one another's nature a ton.
Please help us to always get along,
That we sing the same respectful song.
So it is."
Put the pebbles in your pink pouch and add the rose quartz that has been cleansed. Carry this pouch with you wherever you go to draw in friends and friendship
love. The angels will answer you.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Simple Request for Angel Best..Not A Protest!
Here is a speedy invocation you can say when you're pressed for time and need results right then and there or don't have too much time on your hands.
Image from The Christmas Tarot by Corrine Kenner titled "The Angel."
"Dearest Angels,
Please let this situation(insert) turn out well with your glorious blessings.
Thanks for the help. Amen."
Image from The Christmas Tarot by Corrine Kenner titled "The Angel."
"Dearest Angels,
Please let this situation(insert) turn out well with your glorious blessings.
Thanks for the help. Amen."
angel invocation,
angel prayers,
guardian angel prayer
Angels Are Forever Gift Kit Review & Giveaway!
Peter Pauper Press has been so lovely to offer up a prize of their Angels Are Forever Gift Kit for one lucky person that I was also sent to review.
Peter Pauper Press was founded in 1928 and is beginning it's 8th decade as one of America's leading publishers of fine gift books, humor books, compact references, travel guides, unique journals, quality stationary, holiday cards, and innovative children's activity books. They publish approximately 100 books and ancillary products per year.
Description of Kit: They inspire, protect, comfort, and guide us along our path. Invite angels into your life with the celestial quotes in the softcover Angels Are Forever book, and with the shimmery angelic ornament within. Claim the heavenly blessings of light and love! 80-page softcover book, Angels are Forever, with angel ornament. Kit measures 3-1/2" wide x 4-1/4" high x 1-1/2" deep.
Price: $7.95
My take on it: This darling of a kit is just too sweet! The box is compact and the book is so precious. It's 80 pages compiled by Esther Beilenson are filled with quotes on angels with colorful, enchanting illustrations by Jenny Faw.
It comes with a small angel ornament whose wings and cloth sparkles! I thought it was very cute. It's definitely something that could be given as a thoughtful stocking stuffer or gift this holiday season. I especially like that it has a bookmark holder for the book so you can leave it on your favorite quote.
Here are just some quotes from the book:
"Where love abounds, angels hover over head." ~Anonymous
"The angels are ordered to answer the prayer of the believers. The angels will hear, and the pendulum will swing (from anger to compassion)." ~Imam Salik
"Angels and ministers of grace defend us." ~William Shakespeare
You can head on over to Peter Pauper Press here to get one of your own or take a chance below to win it using Rafflecopter.
Peter Pauper Press was founded in 1928 and is beginning it's 8th decade as one of America's leading publishers of fine gift books, humor books, compact references, travel guides, unique journals, quality stationary, holiday cards, and innovative children's activity books. They publish approximately 100 books and ancillary products per year.
Description of Kit: They inspire, protect, comfort, and guide us along our path. Invite angels into your life with the celestial quotes in the softcover Angels Are Forever book, and with the shimmery angelic ornament within. Claim the heavenly blessings of light and love! 80-page softcover book, Angels are Forever, with angel ornament. Kit measures 3-1/2" wide x 4-1/4" high x 1-1/2" deep.
Price: $7.95
My take on it: This darling of a kit is just too sweet! The box is compact and the book is so precious. It's 80 pages compiled by Esther Beilenson are filled with quotes on angels with colorful, enchanting illustrations by Jenny Faw.
It comes with a small angel ornament whose wings and cloth sparkles! I thought it was very cute. It's definitely something that could be given as a thoughtful stocking stuffer or gift this holiday season. I especially like that it has a bookmark holder for the book so you can leave it on your favorite quote.
Here are just some quotes from the book:
"Where love abounds, angels hover over head." ~Anonymous
"The angels are ordered to answer the prayer of the believers. The angels will hear, and the pendulum will swing (from anger to compassion)." ~Imam Salik
"Angels and ministers of grace defend us." ~William Shakespeare
You can head on over to Peter Pauper Press here to get one of your own or take a chance below to win it using Rafflecopter.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Angels Are Beautiful...
Image from The Christmas Tarot by Corrine Kenner
Angels are beautiful figures and we must also recognize our own inner beauty as they see us as angelic like creatures who are afraid to let our halos shimmer and wings fully spread out to fly. Remember that just as easily as an angel pours out love to your heart with full sincerity so you can do the same for another. Light someone else's candle of faith as an angel holds a flame of hope for you. When a person has lost sight of direction be a star in their night sky illuminating the great qualities they already have..remind them as many forget they have anything to offer or what they truly can do.
Angels are beautiful figures and we must also recognize our own inner beauty as they see us as angelic like creatures who are afraid to let our halos shimmer and wings fully spread out to fly. Remember that just as easily as an angel pours out love to your heart with full sincerity so you can do the same for another. Light someone else's candle of faith as an angel holds a flame of hope for you. When a person has lost sight of direction be a star in their night sky illuminating the great qualities they already have..remind them as many forget they have anything to offer or what they truly can do.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Love Anthem for the Angels: A Poem
Image from Corrine Kenner's The Christmas Tarot
Just remember that no matter who you are
The angels always look at you like that of a shining star.
They always want for you to be proud,
Stop putting yourself down release it like a cloud.
They touch your hair when you cry even if you don't know,
They pray alongside with you so your spirit will glow.
No matter what is going on or what pain you're in,
The angels cannot be kept out they want you to win!
They love you even though you don't believe it so,
Wrapping their wings around you from head to toe!
Yes, they give you kisses when you're feeling in despair,
Don't count out the angels out for they are really there.
Reflect back to all the incidents where they helped you out,
Even when a petition or hardship seems to go unanswered subdue that pout.
The angels fight the good fight with you even when you doubt it's a worth a dime,
Your miracles always show up on Heavenly time.
When you can't hold onto faith of a better way,
The angels will hold you up with strength to make it through another day.
Whether you are holding onto fear or depression,
It's best to hand it off to the angels to alleviate that oppression.
Beautiful happenings are still in store for you,
Don't believe otherwise the angels will leave a clue or two to show you this is true.
Although you go through pain and situations that are unjust,
Hold onto the angels..remember In God We Trust.
Just remember that no matter who you are
The angels always look at you like that of a shining star.
They always want for you to be proud,
Stop putting yourself down release it like a cloud.
They touch your hair when you cry even if you don't know,
They pray alongside with you so your spirit will glow.
No matter what is going on or what pain you're in,
The angels cannot be kept out they want you to win!
They love you even though you don't believe it so,
Wrapping their wings around you from head to toe!
Yes, they give you kisses when you're feeling in despair,
Don't count out the angels out for they are really there.
Reflect back to all the incidents where they helped you out,
Even when a petition or hardship seems to go unanswered subdue that pout.
The angels fight the good fight with you even when you doubt it's a worth a dime,
Your miracles always show up on Heavenly time.
When you can't hold onto faith of a better way,
The angels will hold you up with strength to make it through another day.
Whether you are holding onto fear or depression,
It's best to hand it off to the angels to alleviate that oppression.
Beautiful happenings are still in store for you,
Don't believe otherwise the angels will leave a clue or two to show you this is true.
Although you go through pain and situations that are unjust,
Hold onto the angels..remember In God We Trust.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Angel Wishing Well Giveaway!
Susan Prout angel artist of Angelic Drawings and Angelic Reflections is giving away 2 of her Angel Wishing Wells in Angel of the Cross and Mothers Guardian Angel.
Susan met angels after a NDE she experienced when she was just 4 and 6 years of age. This led her down the path to creating her angel work through the arts and healing. She has such marvelous and endearing products you can view here.
Here are the prizes: Angel Wishing Well
Description: Just the tool you need, your angels are ready and willing to help during our time of need. All we need to know is how to ask.
Did you know angels like to do things in 3’s, inside you will find 3 small stones (quartz crystal, selenite, & angelite, a combination known for helping you connect with your angels), 3 Tibetan silver charms, 3 intention statements for you to make your wish, just complete the statement & know that your angels are there surrounding you with their love.
Imagine the angels already surrounding you. Share your intention as if complete, place it into your wishing well & releaset it to your angels. Trust your Angels to do the rest!
Actual size is 2" x 2" x 1", Retail price is $15.99.
They are all handmade by Susan Prout.
You can get one here for yourself or a friend or enter in below using Rafflecopter. May it rain angel feathers for extra blessings down on you!
Susan met angels after a NDE she experienced when she was just 4 and 6 years of age. This led her down the path to creating her angel work through the arts and healing. She has such marvelous and endearing products you can view here.
Here are the prizes: Angel Wishing Well
Description: Just the tool you need, your angels are ready and willing to help during our time of need. All we need to know is how to ask.
Did you know angels like to do things in 3’s, inside you will find 3 small stones (quartz crystal, selenite, & angelite, a combination known for helping you connect with your angels), 3 Tibetan silver charms, 3 intention statements for you to make your wish, just complete the statement & know that your angels are there surrounding you with their love.
Imagine the angels already surrounding you. Share your intention as if complete, place it into your wishing well & releaset it to your angels. Trust your Angels to do the rest!
Actual size is 2" x 2" x 1", Retail price is $15.99.
They are all handmade by Susan Prout.
You can get one here for yourself or a friend or enter in below using Rafflecopter. May it rain angel feathers for extra blessings down on you!
Angel Talk on Healing -
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Angel Headline for November
Image by Baba Studio "Empress" from The Victorian Romantic Tarot
Angel of Kindness
Sweet compassion
overflows to you
with merciful splendor.
This signifies that no matter where you are or what is going on in your life there are wonderful people and things that wish to adorn you with empathy and comfort. Though there are sorrows with the frigid temperatures of life there is also warmth that snuggles closely to you. This also means for you to pat yourself on the back, receiving affection from those that genuinely care about you, and to have sweetness for others as sweet happenings will also find you.
Angel of Kindness
Sweet compassion
overflows to you
with merciful splendor.
This signifies that no matter where you are or what is going on in your life there are wonderful people and things that wish to adorn you with empathy and comfort. Though there are sorrows with the frigid temperatures of life there is also warmth that snuggles closely to you. This also means for you to pat yourself on the back, receiving affection from those that genuinely care about you, and to have sweetness for others as sweet happenings will also find you.
angel love,
Angel of Kindness,
Baba Studio,
The Victorian Tarot
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A Tale of Skulls & Angels: What to bury, what to birth.
Tomorrow is All Hallow's Eve or Halloween as it's called followed by All Saints Day.
Traditionally this day is associated with the dawn of a new year arising on November 1st and it also being the time where you can more easily reach out to the astral world that is filled by angels, guides, saints, ancestors, and those whom have crossed over.
The important thing is to utilize this energy while it's here and make it work to your prayer point vantage. By that I am going to give a fun, yet powerful exercise you can do tomorrow night.
We all have tales in life. Some are haunting, others wacky, or they can be quite moving.
The important thing is to bury those bag of bones (what has diminished you) where they a coffin to lay to rest. Than let the angels help minister the birth of a new life for you.
What you will require:
Black Cardstock
White Cardstock
Hole Puncher
Favorite Candy/and or sweets
Firstly, trace freehand with your pencil skulls and bones from the white cardstock and than angels. Make sure they are big enough for you to write a few key phrases, symbols, and words on. Than you will want to cut it out. Preferably, you will want about 10-15 each. You can use more than that if you want. Than put aside.
Now, on black cardstock paper trace the shape of a coffin to go with your skulls and bones. You will need two to make one coffin since you are going to put it together, staple it on both sides, and leave the top at the opening untouched to insert the skulls and bones into. Make sure it's large enough to fit all of your skulls and bones.
On your skulls and bones write down what needs to exit out of your life. For example you can make a smiley face with the mouth upside down and put unhappiness.
It's your choice of how it looks or what it will read.
Once you finish put every last skull and bone into the coffin and say with power,
"This is what I lay to rest, you are dead do not protest. Go away, you are not welcome here. Never again come near. Not another peep or fear. Angels, I greet thee to take these decayed skulls and bones away, please let them not get in the way. Amen."
Then, it is time for you to take those angels and inscribe what you want to welcome into your life with grateful arms.
So, if it's more love you can write, "More healthy, beautiful, respectful love from family, friends, and romantic partner."
You can also just write Blessings and put a rainbow underneath it. Whatever feels and looks right for you.
After you are done with your angels poke a hole at the very top of their head with a hole puncher, tie and than do it with each one so they are all on the same line of ribbon because you are going to be hanging them up.
As you tack them up in a space that you can( note: if you don't have a place you can hang these angels than instead put them in a globe shaped envelope made from cardstock to resemble the earth. Use light-blue and than color in with brown and green to resemble land. Staple around the edges and leave slit wide enough at the top so your angels can slip through as simple of growth with the angels being the seeds.) state,
"Angels, here is what I want to grow, let it birth so beautiful fast or slow. Whatever way you see fit, let it come to me in a blessed sift. Make them each arise, like the splendid sunrise. Watch over each with special protection, Deliver to me with love and affection. Show me what I need to see, let me know each step so I have the key. So it is! Amen."
Then you want to take the sweets of your choosing and let yourself indulge in them. Make a hot beverage of your liking to pair it with whether it be cider, hot chocolate, coffee, tea or any other drink you prefer.
You will want to recite, "Like these treats, I want to experience the sweet side of human living; let me have peace with all that is given. Heaven you are filled with such sweetness, let me be filled with strength, not weakness. Amen."
You can certainly always make up your own words or way of doing this exercise as this is just a format you can alter to your preferences.
All Hallow's Eve,
All Saints Day,
Sugar Skull
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
How To Make An Angel Wish Fulfillment Tree
This is a magical, fun way to make angel wishes. You can use a small fake tree for this project and either homemade angel ornaments or ones you find at the Dollar Store, Goodwill,etc. You will take down your wants to the angel and hang them up on the tree.
*Faux pine tree
or other faux tree
*Star or Angel Topper
*White mini Christmas tree lights
if it's not already pre-lit
*Pretty scarf for tree skirt
*Clear globe ornaments
*Angelic confetti, tinsel colors of
variety of color like silver, green, red,
angel trinkets
*Ribbon to string through ornaments
and hang or hooks
*Angel figurines/statues to decorate
base of tree with
When filling up each clear ornament you'll want to use the tinsel that relates to your intended purpose. There is pink if you want some more lovin' of any kind, red for passion. You can add gold and green tinsel together if you need some extra cash.
If you prefer not to do this yourself than get ornaments that represent closely a theme of what you want or get angel ones that you'll say your wishes directly to.
Here is what you will state:
"Dearest Angels, Archangels, and Divine Spirit,
Help make this wish come true. (Name it in detail present tense)
Let it turn out amazing too!
Guide me what actions need to be taken,
Make it very loud so I'm not mistaken!
So it is.
Once you are done with each one of your wishes and hanging up your ornaments you are going to have your very own Tree Lighting Ceremony like they do at Rockefeller Center in NYC.
Say this prayer first and than switch the lights on.
"I call upon the angels, archangels, and Divine Spirit to bless this Angel Wish Fulfillment Tree. Let each wish grow delightfully. Help me to release all fear and to know that you are near. Cradle my every hopeful wish, Serve it on a platter that is blissfully delish."
Turn on the switch and admire your tree. Each time you put the lights you can recite this prayer and imagine all the good things you will bring about for the coming year.
angel fulfillment,
angel tree,
angel wish,
Christmas Tree Lighting,
New Moon Ritual,
New Year,
victorian angels
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Positive Affirmations Digital Download Giveaway
Inspirational Speaker, Author, Psychic, Medium, Teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston of the soon to be released Invoking The Archangels - A Nine-Step Process To Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul has been so wonderful in offering up a digital download of her Positive Affirmations CD!
Description of the prize from her Sunlight Alliance Online Store:
Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want.
In this new CD release, Sunny and Kris team up to bring you an audio experience that offers words of wisdom and vibrational music that will permeate your consciousness and fill you with hope and inspiration. You can start your day off with a gentle, meditative, relaxed journey, or an energetic beat that moves your Spirit to these positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are a powerful way to re-program any negative thoughts you may have about your life. Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. We look forward to supporting you in creating the positive changes you desire and helping you to develop peace of mind.
You can go over here now to buy Positive Affirmations or enter below using Rafflecopter! Good luck!
Description of the prize from her Sunlight Alliance Online Store:
Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want.
In this new CD release, Sunny and Kris team up to bring you an audio experience that offers words of wisdom and vibrational music that will permeate your consciousness and fill you with hope and inspiration. You can start your day off with a gentle, meditative, relaxed journey, or an energetic beat that moves your Spirit to these positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are a powerful way to re-program any negative thoughts you may have about your life. Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. We look forward to supporting you in creating the positive changes you desire and helping you to develop peace of mind.
You can go over here now to buy Positive Affirmations or enter below using Rafflecopter! Good luck!
Positive Affirmations,
Sunny Dawn Johnston
Monday, October 24, 2011
World Prayer
"Beloved Angels, Archangels, and the Nine Angelic Choirs:
Hold our fragile earth in the embrace of God's ever powerful Love and Protection. Place the seed of hope back into our wounded hearts and spirits. Help to lift the despair that is felt so deeply among the world. Minister healing to those who are in darkness and let them be bathed in light. Send the many earth angels who work for God the qualities of faith, trust, strength, and perseverance despite the suffering they encounter. Bless those who have lost their homes, loved ones, jobs, freedoms, who are struggling to hold on..please send them assistance, and tools to heal their lives and rebuild them with the foundation of faith that all will flourish again in alignment with God's graces. Amen."
Copyright © Lisa Owens October 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Granting Angel Wings
The Queen of England often knights people but there are certain people that ought to be suited with angel wings.
You can give out angel wings to people that you believe have acted as such or wish them to know what they do has a great meaning to you.
Many people are unaware that they are the angels entertaining strangers and friends alike.
I know of many angels in my own life they wouldn't even consider themselves heroic, or saintly. But, they constantly step up to help out or do it without thought.
You can buy them a guardian angel pin and write or type up a diploma that you are awarding them with official angel wings for their honest works.
Let them know how truly special they are and even without physical wings you can see them.
Hold up the mirror so you can help them recognize the reflection of an angel that is there.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
All Angel Gifts Presents Gate of Healing Angel Wall Art Giveaway!
Hey Everyone,
I promised more goodies and my favorite store All Angel Gifts is providing! Briana at All Angel Gifts has been an angel once again and is giving one lucky reader of my blog a chance to win their brand NEW Gate of Healing Angel Wall Art. All Angel Gifts has plenty of products like angel statues, ornaments, worry stones, angel boxes pendants, and other inspiring gifts that your family and friends are sure to fall in heaven with!
Here are the details and a picture of the prize.
Name: Gate of Healing Angel Wall Art
Manufacturer: AngelStar
Prize Value: $29.95
Material: Resin Polystone - Antique Lace Finish
Resin Polystone is a combination of stone/pvc which is easily moldable and also allows for high level of detail.
Who wouldn't this gorgeous piece of art adorning their wall? Imagine how beautiful it would look in a bedroom, living room, hallway, or as you enter the home.
You can get one here now or enter below using Rafflecopter.
I promised more goodies and my favorite store All Angel Gifts is providing! Briana at All Angel Gifts has been an angel once again and is giving one lucky reader of my blog a chance to win their brand NEW Gate of Healing Angel Wall Art. All Angel Gifts has plenty of products like angel statues, ornaments, worry stones, angel boxes pendants, and other inspiring gifts that your family and friends are sure to fall in heaven with!
Here are the details and a picture of the prize.
Name: Gate of Healing Angel Wall Art
Manufacturer: AngelStar
Prize Value: $29.95
Material: Resin Polystone - Antique Lace Finish
Resin Polystone is a combination of stone/pvc which is easily moldable and also allows for high level of detail.
Who wouldn't this gorgeous piece of art adorning their wall? Imagine how beautiful it would look in a bedroom, living room, hallway, or as you enter the home.
You can get one here now or enter below using Rafflecopter.
I dialed the is the message they left.
Open Your Arms to Receive
The universe is constantly giving to you in ways both small and large. When someone offers to assist you, buys you lunch, or hands you a gift, open your arms to receive. The more that you say yes to blessings, the more the universal energy freely flows to and through you. When you push away proffered help, you close the door to this abundance.
Today, open your arms to welcome any gifts that come your way, and say yes to the universal flow. Allow yourself to be helped, loved, and pampered ... let yourself receive.
Thought for Today
I accept all the blessings that life offers me. It is safe for me to receive, and I open my arms fully to welcome the universe's gifts of love.
Copyright © 2006 by Doreen Virtue taken from Daily Guidance from Your Angels 4 Color Gift Edition by Doreen Virtue
Calling All Angels Book Review
Calling All Angels!: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel into Your Life (paperback) by Joyce Keller
Publisher: Adams Media Publishing
Price: $9.95
260 pages
ISBN: 9781580624299
Black and White Pictures of Angels
Calling All Angels!: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel into Your Life by Joyce Keller is a rare find in the angel book world. Joyce Keller is an astrologer, radio show host, TV Personality, psychic, and best selling author that has written for the National Enquirer, Lifetime, has appeared numerous times on such shows like Entertainment Tonight, and personally endorsed by Regis Philbin.
Her angel book discusses the STAR method of praying which was passed down to her by Father Boucher the head priest at St. Anne's Shrine Isle La Motte. STAR stands for:
S upplication
T hankfulness
A doration
R epentance
To read the full extent of which of these stands for you'll have to pick up the book.
She asked God many times to be able to see one of her highest angels and was granted her prayer. The picture she received from her angel is even in the book.
Joyce talks about her own angel miraculous angel encounters including a healing at St. Anne's Shrine where an angel whispered to her what to do, how she was woken up to prevent a fire from befalling her childhood home, and when she needed her scissors sharpened after they wore out from a rug she was trimming for her new house the surprising way an angel showed to answer her small but needed request.
What I enjoyed about this book are the many in she uses to give one an idea of what kind of atmosphere angels are attracted to and how to get your prayers answered or an angel's attention(one of them includes ringing a bell) and the power in repeating mantras. She explains the importance of thanks and how to reach angels by setting up a holy space in one's room and also why bad things go on in the world.
There are 57 prayers which cover such topics as finding employment, prosperity, success, weight loss, marriage proposal, overcome depression, to locate missing people, animals, or objects, restore faith in God, overcoming fear, improving relations with children, clearing and exorcism for one's house, protection, hearing angels, seeing angels and additional topics that we deal with on earth that aren't always so heavenly.
Each prayer is a short, rhyming mantra to a target group of angels that you will say and than write on a 3 by 5 index card.
Here is an excerpt below from page 49:
For Travel Protection
Dear Angels of Travel,
Planes, cars, trains, ships,
Give me complete protection
For both long and short trips.
PRAYER Before getting on a plane, train, ship, or car ask the angels of travel to surround the conveyance with their full angelic protection, and to bathe it completely in God's white light.
MANTRA Use this mantra before taking any trips.
MEDITATION Before or during the travel experience, clearly envision yourself arriving safely at your destination. Actually see yourself walking off the plane or leaving the ship.
ATTITUDE Your attitude should be one of gratitude for a safe, enjoyable trip.
ATMOSPHERE Use jasmine and peppermint aromatherapy body oils.
SUBSTANCES If you are afraid to travel, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy will usually remove all fear.
CRYSTALS & GEMS A sugilite crystal helps to bring serenity when traveling because of it's great protective qualities. Religious medals are also helpful.
Copyright © 1998, 2000 Joyce Keller
You will want to take this book with you wherever you go.
I was not financially rewarded to provide this review. All thoughts are my own.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Doors to the Soul DVD for Automatic Chakra Balance Review & Giveaway

Dyan Garris of Voice of the Angels is giving away another outstanding product for you all to enjoy from her Webshop. This time it's her Doors to the Soul DVD for Automatic Chakra Balance that is a retail value of $24.99.
Part of the Spiritual Toolbox™ for relaxation, spiritual transformation, Automatic Chakra Balance™ help in sleeping and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit by Dyan Garris. This is relaxation DVD, not an instruction video. It will automatically balance your chakras in about 10 minutes and keeps on working all day. Watch a one minute clip here:
I don't know about you but when it comes to Chakra Health Care I am not too good at doing it. There are guided meditations, but I find visualizing the colors or chakra themselves very difficult. This also makes it even more frustrating to balance and clear and I can't concentrate. The other issue is that most of these can be pretty time consuming to do each chakra..not anymore!
Housewives, business saavy people, curious exploers Dyan Garris has made from her spiritual toolbox the Doors to the Soul DVD for Automatic Chakra Balance that lasts for 9:52 minutes with visual, and music to cleanse your chakras in under ten minutes!
I felt a lot of tingling in my throat, chest, and then tugging in my head and third eye as I watched it. It was very relaxing and my eyes got quite the show. It was easy too. It didn't much effort to complete which I'm all about.
If you just can't wait to get this DVD head over to Dyan's store here for one.
If you can wait and are feeling extra lucky enter in for the giveaway to give your chakra's one spa of a treat!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Angelic Awakenings Log File...journaling angels.

You are going to be keeping Angel Tabs like a scoreboard in the back of a journal that will be called, "Angelic Awakenings Log File."
What you need a is writing utensil, angel postcards, favorite inspiring quotes, and keeping a log file of what angelic awakenings are happening to you.
The angels do give surprises in moments you least anticipate them or are highly doubtful of anything good ever happening in your life again.
Number 1. To make this effective you will want to invoke the angels by writing a prayer each day or an inspirational quote. Put the date at the top. For instance if you are having a rough day you can write down an Archangel Michael Decree or if you are having issues with abundance a prayer to Archangel Barachiel. You can also write down a specific angel number as written in Doreen Virtue's book Angel Numbers 101 to attract a certain outcome. So if you are needing more angels write down the number 444 at the top which means, "Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well."
Number 2. Draw an angel and in the center make a heart. Fill it in with a word or a few words of what you qualities you want the angels to present you with for that day or week(depends if you are going to write in it everyday or weekly). Give them a chance to deliver what you are asking at a later date or see how it slowly comes into your life. Don't make haste, but wait for them to do their thing in all that celestial glory.
You can write down "More Love in My Life" or "Peace Of Mind."
Number 3. Now what you will do is ask the angels for a symbol of what they want you to know about your day. You can do this by easily saying this prayer four times: "Heavenly Hosts, give me a symbol to let me know, what this day/and or night will bring, what you will show. Amen." Maybe you will draw down a shape, an animal, or a thing. Whatever it is see how it might apply to your day or night. Then review it later on. Your intuition will be your guide as to what it means. You can certainly apply for the angels discernment in what they are trying to let you know. Another request to say four times is, "Heavenly Hosts, I'm not sure what the symbol you sent me is trying to say, please help me to decipher it's message before I go down to lay. Amen."
Number 4. The angel post cards will be to deliver in mysterious spots anonymously while you are out running errands, leaving in a neighbor's mailbox, or putting down on your place of worship with a message from your favorite scripture, or thought that brings you a smile. You can also pour out whatever words you feel inspired to script such as, "Fear Not blessed one. The angels love you and are taking care of all your worries. Have Faith." This is way to pave a road to attract more angels your way because you are aligning yourself with their divine behavior.
Number 5. At the end of the day notice if angels visited you..maybe you felt more alive with energy or not as concerned with what to do. Did you gain aid that you thought was improbable? Maybe you were wealthy that day by receiving a thoughtful compliment. Log it down.
Number 6. Overtime you can add more to your Angelic Awakenings Log File by cutting out pictures that are angel implied or pictures of things you want the angels to pay attention to of what you desire.
angel journal,
angel love,
angel of writing,
angel writing
Talking To Angels: Feeling Safe -
Here is a message of mine featured on Beliefnet's Angels Page. Talking To Angels: Feeling Safe -
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Angel Headline for October

Angel of Courage
Do not let fear rule.
You have the strength
To go forward.
This translates that for the calendar dates in October to stand up for yourself, people will come to your defense when in need or standing in as protectors, extra angels to protect you, Archangel Michael present and to call on him more, things changing for the better, a time of greatness for your creative projects, and letting go of that which no longer serves your life.
angel of courage,
angels of courage,
letting go,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Easy Breezy Guardian Angel Invocation

Have you been neglecting your guardian angel lately? How about you reconnect with this easy, gentle, quick prayer. To keep your guardian angel with you, you might want to wear a bracelet or necklace with an angel, a guardian angel pin, or angel stone. Talk to your angel as you would a good friend because they are indeed your friends. Think of them like a therapist only they don't charge you for their services...well actually they just want a bit of love from your end, and appreciation. I'm sure you'll be happy to pay them.
To my loving guardian angel I ask for your speedy intervention,
Please help me out of my faithless attention.
Rub your ethereal wings right into my heart,
Let pain I carry drain from its cart.
Bring to me your angel soother,
Make it abrupt destruction so things for me become smoother.
Check out Award Winning Author Catherine Wishart's blog, Your Psychic Destiny, with her article on guardian angels here.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sick With a Case of the Dark Angels?

Symptoms of Coming Down With a Case of the Dark Angels
*Being very angry
*Not believing in angels, God, or virtues like faith, hope, love
*Want to give up on everything
* Self destructive tendencies like not going after a desired goal
*Severe jealousy of what others have and you know deserve but have yet to acquire
*Rebellious attitude
*Cursing a lot
*Act mean towards those whom care about you
*Not accepting love
*Refusing any type of assistance or not asking for any
*Creating chaos for others or yourself
Medicine for Dark Angel Syndrome:
Buy yourself Dark Chocolate or make hot chocolate You may also like to scream with all your might in a private place, go boxing or punch a pillow, hike on a natural trail, see a counselor or therapist, use chakra clearing methods either with crystals or guided meditations, take plenty of cap naps, a time out with quiet, use colorful pens to draw and make poetry in a notebook and treat yourself with compassion.
I have yet to read Debbie Ford's, "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" but I hear it's excellent for overcoming the Dark Angel Syndrome.
dark angels,
Debbie Ford,
shadow angels,
shadow side
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Prayer Care: Angels Will Be There!
Prayers are simply requests for intercession to a source of higher component not made of physical mater like you or are I.
You ask for what you feel you are needing and the angels will deliver in a combination of methods that I will go over.
Prayer Request Sample 1:
You really need money to cover a bill but you have none. You ask the angels to please help you with being able to get the money or pay it.
They may:
Give you an intuitive signal of what needs to be done. Perhaps out of the blue you think to sell some jewelry you have lying around, host a garage sale and publicize it through Craigslist, you get a person pop into your head to borrow money from, or someone gives you advice of what to do without asking.
Prayer Request Sample 2:
You get in a fight with a friend and you confide in the angels how upset you are and want to be friends with this person and get along again.
They may:
Give you the feeling to give that friend space and that it will be alright. Send you an idea to write a card or note to say you are sorry. Perhaps the angels tell you to let it go for now and your friend will get into contact with you.
Prayer Request Sample 3:
You feel uneasy and are scared your home might be broken into or something detrimental will occur to your house.
You request the angels for their intervention to protect and watch over your house, possessions, and keep everything secure regardless.
They may:
Instruct you to change your batteries to your fire alarms and if you don't have them in place to get your landlord to buy them or for you to. You may receive a feeling that you need an electrician to fix what you believe could cause a potential hazard, acquire an alarm system, guard dog(perhaps you'll adopt one that will be your pet) or change to stronger locks. You will be given peace and confirmation that you are being looked over by trustful knowing, or vibrations in your heart.
Prayer Notes:
Many instances angels will come through people they send, an article of clothing with a number on it or word like angels(one time I saw a Los Angeles Angels Logo T-Shirt out of nowhere), a person insisting on helping you even if you try to refuse, meeting a new acquaintance that can you specifically help of what you are searching for. However, angels can also deliver through other ways like making things run better in your daily chores, or give you a break.
Calling All Angels: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel into Your Life by Joyce Keller
The Gentle Way: A Self Help Guide For Those Who Believe In Angels by Tom T. Moore
Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialogue with God and Your Guardian Angels by Doreen Virtue
AngelsTeach Free Discover Your Angels E-Course
You ask for what you feel you are needing and the angels will deliver in a combination of methods that I will go over.
Prayer Request Sample 1:
You really need money to cover a bill but you have none. You ask the angels to please help you with being able to get the money or pay it.
They may:
Give you an intuitive signal of what needs to be done. Perhaps out of the blue you think to sell some jewelry you have lying around, host a garage sale and publicize it through Craigslist, you get a person pop into your head to borrow money from, or someone gives you advice of what to do without asking.
Prayer Request Sample 2:
You get in a fight with a friend and you confide in the angels how upset you are and want to be friends with this person and get along again.
They may:
Give you the feeling to give that friend space and that it will be alright. Send you an idea to write a card or note to say you are sorry. Perhaps the angels tell you to let it go for now and your friend will get into contact with you.
Prayer Request Sample 3:
You feel uneasy and are scared your home might be broken into or something detrimental will occur to your house.
You request the angels for their intervention to protect and watch over your house, possessions, and keep everything secure regardless.
They may:
Instruct you to change your batteries to your fire alarms and if you don't have them in place to get your landlord to buy them or for you to. You may receive a feeling that you need an electrician to fix what you believe could cause a potential hazard, acquire an alarm system, guard dog(perhaps you'll adopt one that will be your pet) or change to stronger locks. You will be given peace and confirmation that you are being looked over by trustful knowing, or vibrations in your heart.
Prayer Notes:
Many instances angels will come through people they send, an article of clothing with a number on it or word like angels(one time I saw a Los Angeles Angels Logo T-Shirt out of nowhere), a person insisting on helping you even if you try to refuse, meeting a new acquaintance that can you specifically help of what you are searching for. However, angels can also deliver through other ways like making things run better in your daily chores, or give you a break.
Calling All Angels: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel into Your Life by Joyce Keller
The Gentle Way: A Self Help Guide For Those Who Believe In Angels by Tom T. Moore
Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialogue with God and Your Guardian Angels by Doreen Virtue
AngelsTeach Free Discover Your Angels E-Course
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Angel Headline for September

You will be blessed
With a kind action of
This means for the rest of the month of September be on the lookout for angels in disguise, especially kind gestures, thoughtfulness from others both those you know and those you have yet to meet,being divinely touched such as what you call blessings coming out of nowhere, and positive forces around you.
angel grace,
angel of grace,
angel of september,
grace angel
Life Purpose Oracle Cards Review
Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Publisher: Hay House July 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4019-2475-1
Price: $15.95
The Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue are a deck specifically targeted to help one gain clarity on why they are here.
Doreen made these cards as this is one of the top questions she gets asked as to what someone's Life Purpose is.
"Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding. This role also ensures soul growth for you and comes with a guarantee that you'll be completely supported as you fulfill it." excerpted from pages 1&2 of guidebook Copyright © 2011 Doreen Virtue
I had to laugh because when I shuffled these cards and inquired about what my Life Purpose is I pulled three times the Author card and Writing. I often thought that is what my life purpose is and it's what I'm doing now.
There are 44 cards in total with themes such as Artist, Creative Expression, Healer, Travel, Light and Love, Music, School, Oracle Cards, Talk to Your Angels, Freedom, Yoga, Family, Sensitivity, You're on the Right Path, Justice, Animals, Books, Crystals, Body Work, and Infinite Abundance.
Here a four images from the deck:

With the visuals from artists Wendy Andrews, Audrey Rawlings Arena, Caroly Heyer, Marius Michael-George, Howard David Johnson, Savannah Roy, and Corey Wolfe they really do paint a vivid picture great for divine interpretation with the usual gorgeous paintings we come to see on all of Doreen Virtue's decks over the years.
The guidebook shows one how to formulate your questions, clearing the deck, using a prayer to the Archangel Michael who governs over the area of life purpose to help with your oracle sitting, shuffling the cards, what certain cards might mean on an intuitive level, and of course the full text meanings of each card.
Doreen has really created a special deck here that will give you ease and fulfillment of what you are truly meant here to do.
At no time was I financially rewarded to give positive feedback. All views in this review are my own.
Publisher: Hay House July 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4019-2475-1
Price: $15.95
The Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue are a deck specifically targeted to help one gain clarity on why they are here.
Doreen made these cards as this is one of the top questions she gets asked as to what someone's Life Purpose is.
"Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding. This role also ensures soul growth for you and comes with a guarantee that you'll be completely supported as you fulfill it." excerpted from pages 1&2 of guidebook Copyright © 2011 Doreen Virtue
I had to laugh because when I shuffled these cards and inquired about what my Life Purpose is I pulled three times the Author card and Writing. I often thought that is what my life purpose is and it's what I'm doing now.
There are 44 cards in total with themes such as Artist, Creative Expression, Healer, Travel, Light and Love, Music, School, Oracle Cards, Talk to Your Angels, Freedom, Yoga, Family, Sensitivity, You're on the Right Path, Justice, Animals, Books, Crystals, Body Work, and Infinite Abundance.
Here a four images from the deck:

With the visuals from artists Wendy Andrews, Audrey Rawlings Arena, Caroly Heyer, Marius Michael-George, Howard David Johnson, Savannah Roy, and Corey Wolfe they really do paint a vivid picture great for divine interpretation with the usual gorgeous paintings we come to see on all of Doreen Virtue's decks over the years.
The guidebook shows one how to formulate your questions, clearing the deck, using a prayer to the Archangel Michael who governs over the area of life purpose to help with your oracle sitting, shuffling the cards, what certain cards might mean on an intuitive level, and of course the full text meanings of each card.
Doreen has really created a special deck here that will give you ease and fulfillment of what you are truly meant here to do.
At no time was I financially rewarded to give positive feedback. All views in this review are my own.
Doreen Virtue oracle decks,
Hay House,
Life Purpose,
Life Purpose Oracle Cards,
oracle decks
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11th-Remember the Power of Love
Today is the 10th anniversary of September 11th. I want us all to take a moment to send healing prayers out into this world for those who lost a loved one, who were personally involved and also for all of humanity. Our prayers do sow patches of hope in our torn world.
"God, Archangels, Angels, The 9 Angelic Choirs, Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary,
So many have been touched by tragedy, violence, and anguish.
Today on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11th we ask that you gather around those
who are still suffering with trauma and pain from these events; may they be bathed in your protection and love. Help them to have peace once again and to know that all is not lost.
For those that face violence and terrorism in their daily living we ask that you grant them protection, and to help them come up with peaceful solutions that will put an end to the extreme hate that is fueled by not understanding another person whose views, race, or gender are not the same as their own.
Dissipate the fears that are so prevalent in adding to the stronghold of ignorance.
May this earth and all of it's occupants be radiated with hope, strength, determination, and trust so that we always keep love in the forefront of our hearts and spirits.
Help us to believe that true love is not severed by passing, but exists for the rest of time.
Send assistance to all of those who mourn as you promised that they too shall be surrounded by comfort. Give them understanding.
I wanted to write a short message that although it is much easier to hate, it is better to hold onto love. I am reminded that love and unity can overcome.
We are here for each other and not just for ourselves. It is our ability to reach out and touch one another that demonstrates what is most important.
I do believe that our souls live forever as does the love we hold for those that have crossed on.
I am reminded of the quote said by Patrick Swayze in the film Ghost. His character Sam speaks to his girlfriend Molly for one last time before he goes to the light and tells her, "It's amazing Molly the love inside you take it with you." Love cannot be destroyed..EVER. It matters not the circumstances because love is a force that remains.
I wanted to add this poem by Mary Frye to sum up that all those who were taken have really not gone away.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
Reach out and grab each other's hands,
Take a stand for love
which shows humanity's heart beats as one.
"God, Archangels, Angels, The 9 Angelic Choirs, Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary,
So many have been touched by tragedy, violence, and anguish.
Today on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11th we ask that you gather around those
who are still suffering with trauma and pain from these events; may they be bathed in your protection and love. Help them to have peace once again and to know that all is not lost.
For those that face violence and terrorism in their daily living we ask that you grant them protection, and to help them come up with peaceful solutions that will put an end to the extreme hate that is fueled by not understanding another person whose views, race, or gender are not the same as their own.
Dissipate the fears that are so prevalent in adding to the stronghold of ignorance.
May this earth and all of it's occupants be radiated with hope, strength, determination, and trust so that we always keep love in the forefront of our hearts and spirits.
Help us to believe that true love is not severed by passing, but exists for the rest of time.
Send assistance to all of those who mourn as you promised that they too shall be surrounded by comfort. Give them understanding.
I wanted to write a short message that although it is much easier to hate, it is better to hold onto love. I am reminded that love and unity can overcome.
We are here for each other and not just for ourselves. It is our ability to reach out and touch one another that demonstrates what is most important.
I do believe that our souls live forever as does the love we hold for those that have crossed on.
I am reminded of the quote said by Patrick Swayze in the film Ghost. His character Sam speaks to his girlfriend Molly for one last time before he goes to the light and tells her, "It's amazing Molly the love inside you take it with you." Love cannot be destroyed..EVER. It matters not the circumstances because love is a force that remains.
I wanted to add this poem by Mary Frye to sum up that all those who were taken have really not gone away.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
Reach out and grab each other's hands,
Take a stand for love
which shows humanity's heart beats as one.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Talking With Angels: Message On God -
Please check out my article featured on Beliefnet about what angels have to say on the big GOD. Talking With Angels: Message On God -
Friday, September 2, 2011
Recognizing Moments of Angelic Assistance: Healing Yourself with Light Book Excerpt
The following is an excerpt from pages 11 and 12 of LaUna Huffines, "Healing Yourself With Light: How to Connect With the Angelic Healers" that I thought was an especially helpful message.
"You may have met the angels during an emergency.
When time seems to stop and you are aware of what to do to get yourself out of a difficult situation, a group of angels may save your life even if you do no consciously recognize their presence. In a fraction of a second, you may be lifted out of a potential life-or-death situation or be taken out of time and suspended in air to prevent an accident. Rarely do you have any idea this is happening; you may feel as if you are making brilliant decisions that provide all the right moves to save you. You may feel inspired and clearheaded when only a moment before you had no idea what to do. Or you make a split-second decision to run, to jump, or to turn around abruptly that later shows you were sensing events that were about to take place. Angels frequently take action just before an accident that would have taken place without their intervention or their warning you to be more alert.
Angels often put new ideas into your mind when you feel trapped in a situation or an illness and can see no way out. Think of a time when you were really low or sick and suddenly you were able to turn things around-as if something changed within you and you knew just what to do. This is the work of the angels. They leave you with free will to choose, which is the basis of the human evolution, yet they offer you choices that you didn't recognize before. They open a higher way out of an entanglement or an illness." Text copyright © 1995 LaUna Huffines
"You may have met the angels during an emergency.
When time seems to stop and you are aware of what to do to get yourself out of a difficult situation, a group of angels may save your life even if you do no consciously recognize their presence. In a fraction of a second, you may be lifted out of a potential life-or-death situation or be taken out of time and suspended in air to prevent an accident. Rarely do you have any idea this is happening; you may feel as if you are making brilliant decisions that provide all the right moves to save you. You may feel inspired and clearheaded when only a moment before you had no idea what to do. Or you make a split-second decision to run, to jump, or to turn around abruptly that later shows you were sensing events that were about to take place. Angels frequently take action just before an accident that would have taken place without their intervention or their warning you to be more alert.
Angels often put new ideas into your mind when you feel trapped in a situation or an illness and can see no way out. Think of a time when you were really low or sick and suddenly you were able to turn things around-as if something changed within you and you knew just what to do. This is the work of the angels. They leave you with free will to choose, which is the basis of the human evolution, yet they offer you choices that you didn't recognize before. They open a higher way out of an entanglement or an illness." Text copyright © 1995 LaUna Huffines
angel assistance,
Angelic healers,
Healing Yourself With Light,
LaUna Huffines,
path of light
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Beachy Keen..Oceanful of Angel Wing Shells
Everyone knows about Snow Angels during Winter, but how bout Sand Angels for Summer?
See if you can collect some angel wing shells or find ones that really speak to you.
You can turn the seashells into necklaces, bracelets, a trinket box, place in a vase with sand or candles or decorate them on a frame.
Make Sand angels just as you would with Snow angels. Then, take a snapshot of it and post the Sand Angel as the background of your computer.
There are angels that are a part of the beach, the water, the shells. All the elementals are present there including water, earth, air, and fire(sun) so it can be enriching to your health. Call on them to join you so you have an ultra relaxing time.
If you can't get to the beach bring it's surroundings to you. Perhaps you will want to take a sea salt or epsom salt bath, buy sand and make a mini garden sandbox, go in your pool or a friend's. You can even light some all natural sea breeze candles, Ocean Incense/aromatherapy spray, and put on a CD of ocean waves sounds. Make sure to invite in the sun too by sitting in your yard and opening up the shades in your home.
Have a Beachy Keen venture!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
For Princess Diana..One Royal of an Angel!
Today marks the 14th anniversary of Princess Diana leaving this earth.
She was truly a Royal Angel because of how rich her soul was while she lived here.
Princess Diana had an innocent nature and the many problems she faced were do to her very sensitive heart. She was an empath with food issues and to deal with how she took in the atmospheres she was apart of Diana would overeat to quiet down the pain or not at all as a way to deflect the intense pain she went through.
Princess Diana also endured much suffering in her own life and that is why she was able to have sincere compassion for those who were in dyer pain too.
It's fitting that she was referred to as the English Rose..because she was a rose fully blossomed. Everywhere she traveled she always left behind love.
It mattered not that Diana was a princess..not to her anyways. Diana understood that term did not define where she was allowed to go or dictate who she ought to be. Even though she wasn't viewed as proper she would rather be condemned for that than not being able to help another.
When you call on Diana for assistance you also bring in Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and Mother Theresa whom she closely works with. Each of these figures all hone the qualities of mercy, nurturing, protection, and divine service.
Please do something in her honor either donate to a local charity, volunteer to help a child, or just act kind.
You can also set up a shrine to Princess Diana with a picture you can print out from the computer and frame, and include a Tiara, children toys, a rose, and a candle. Thank her for everything she did in this world and also ask for her prayers and assistance to help the mothers that are suffering, children, and those who have eating and mental afflictions.
Princess Diana you will forever be a candle in the darkness.
She was truly a Royal Angel because of how rich her soul was while she lived here.
Princess Diana had an innocent nature and the many problems she faced were do to her very sensitive heart. She was an empath with food issues and to deal with how she took in the atmospheres she was apart of Diana would overeat to quiet down the pain or not at all as a way to deflect the intense pain she went through.
Princess Diana also endured much suffering in her own life and that is why she was able to have sincere compassion for those who were in dyer pain too.
It's fitting that she was referred to as the English Rose..because she was a rose fully blossomed. Everywhere she traveled she always left behind love.
It mattered not that Diana was a princess..not to her anyways. Diana understood that term did not define where she was allowed to go or dictate who she ought to be. Even though she wasn't viewed as proper she would rather be condemned for that than not being able to help another.
When you call on Diana for assistance you also bring in Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and Mother Theresa whom she closely works with. Each of these figures all hone the qualities of mercy, nurturing, protection, and divine service.
Please do something in her honor either donate to a local charity, volunteer to help a child, or just act kind.
You can also set up a shrine to Princess Diana with a picture you can print out from the computer and frame, and include a Tiara, children toys, a rose, and a candle. Thank her for everything she did in this world and also ask for her prayers and assistance to help the mothers that are suffering, children, and those who have eating and mental afflictions.
Princess Diana you will forever be a candle in the darkness.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Those Darling Angels: In Sickness and in Health
The last thing someone desires is to be sick or not feeling well.
I'll be honest when my health is down the tubes I do not want a close-up at all. More like a Beware: Very Moody Ill Person Ahead! Caution at Your Own Risk.
My attitude morphs into that of the Incredible n' mean.
When we deny ourselves rest or continue to exert ourselves when we know we shouldn't our bodies are saying, "Good God..please relax.." we make ourselves even more ill.
The reason I know this is because what I'm dealing with right now. I kept putting my health as not being important saying that I wasn't that sick or because I had no money I couldn't afford to do anything about it.
Here are some things I've observed.
First off, when you are feeling drained guess what the quality of the work you put out, how you act, and what your life becomes deprived. You do not behave as you want to and this is not your fault. Your soul body is trying to get you to regenerate healing and get to a sanctuary of peace.
Secondly, maybe you keep working, working, working, and putting more work load on yourself thinking that you must do this in order to X, Y, Z...this is a time to disconnect from the severity of workaholism and the stress that often domineers the leader board.
Often there are also a long line of earth angels or lightworkers that come down with profound illnesses, cancers, auto-immune disease, tension headaches, fatigue, and the like. The reason for this is because each are innate healers. It's very much like they are suctioning up the toxins from others and at times unwillingly storing it in their spiritual shell causing it to then manifest as ailments of the physical dwelling so that they take sole custody of dealing with others' problems and trying to alter them. This is often a time for them to receive help when normally all they do is give without accepting that offer back.
With healing we need to break down the emotional pollutants and physical components.
And yes sometimes, sometimes your getting sick is much like a course for you to study, take tests on, and place inside the filing cabinet of knowledge. Not only for you but also for the people that are involved with you.
They might need to work on their giving skills or showing more love.
When you're not feeling well you've got to make sure you get in some good old H20, Freely Circulating Oxygen(outside), ask that prayers be sent your way and shut those eyes and brain off.
Maybe you think you just can't, but you have to. If you do not you won't be giving your body the vacation it needs while making yourself just feel worse and worse.
Your condition will continue to progress and cause even more ill feelings.
What has the doc ordered? "Stay in bed, put down your head, get some rest, don't protest, the recovery will be at its best. Let others help your aching soul, They want to freely give help that is their main goal, don't go into freak mode control. Amen."
I'll be honest when my health is down the tubes I do not want a close-up at all. More like a Beware: Very Moody Ill Person Ahead! Caution at Your Own Risk.
My attitude morphs into that of the Incredible n' mean.
When we deny ourselves rest or continue to exert ourselves when we know we shouldn't our bodies are saying, "Good God..please relax.." we make ourselves even more ill.
The reason I know this is because what I'm dealing with right now. I kept putting my health as not being important saying that I wasn't that sick or because I had no money I couldn't afford to do anything about it.
Here are some things I've observed.
First off, when you are feeling drained guess what the quality of the work you put out, how you act, and what your life becomes deprived. You do not behave as you want to and this is not your fault. Your soul body is trying to get you to regenerate healing and get to a sanctuary of peace.
Secondly, maybe you keep working, working, working, and putting more work load on yourself thinking that you must do this in order to X, Y, Z...this is a time to disconnect from the severity of workaholism and the stress that often domineers the leader board.
Often there are also a long line of earth angels or lightworkers that come down with profound illnesses, cancers, auto-immune disease, tension headaches, fatigue, and the like. The reason for this is because each are innate healers. It's very much like they are suctioning up the toxins from others and at times unwillingly storing it in their spiritual shell causing it to then manifest as ailments of the physical dwelling so that they take sole custody of dealing with others' problems and trying to alter them. This is often a time for them to receive help when normally all they do is give without accepting that offer back.
With healing we need to break down the emotional pollutants and physical components.
And yes sometimes, sometimes your getting sick is much like a course for you to study, take tests on, and place inside the filing cabinet of knowledge. Not only for you but also for the people that are involved with you.
They might need to work on their giving skills or showing more love.
When you're not feeling well you've got to make sure you get in some good old H20, Freely Circulating Oxygen(outside), ask that prayers be sent your way and shut those eyes and brain off.
Maybe you think you just can't, but you have to. If you do not you won't be giving your body the vacation it needs while making yourself just feel worse and worse.
Your condition will continue to progress and cause even more ill feelings.
What has the doc ordered? "Stay in bed, put down your head, get some rest, don't protest, the recovery will be at its best. Let others help your aching soul, They want to freely give help that is their main goal, don't go into freak mode control. Amen."
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